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ServiceNow Tutorial

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    ServiceNow is a cloud based platform, which was mainly developed for workflow and process automation as per the ITIL principles. However, it is highly customisable and also can be used for other purposes. ServiceNow is an American based company and was founded in 2004 by Fred Luddy. It has a unique way for naming its versions. They name the versions based on the major cities of the world. The latest version of ServiceNow is Orlando.

    ServiceNow offers many ready to use solutions, workflows and products for an organisation. The organisation can develop the customised applications and modules as per the business requirement using the ServiceNow scripting and existing tools.

    Services of ServiceNow

    Some of the important offerings and most widely used services of ServiceNow are explained below −

    IT Service management

    ServiceNow is mainly used as a ticketing tool to manage incidents, problems and changes. It has many advanced features, analytics and insights that impacts the speed and delivery of IT.

    HR management

    ServiceNow can be used for almost all HR delivery services like leave management, timesheet management, employee document management, new onboarding management, performance management, etc.

    IT Asset management

    With ServiceNow, we can manage our hardware and software assets to optimise cost and increase efficiency. ServiceNow has features such as licence management, warranty management, CI management, advanced reporting and insights, etc.

    Finance operation management

    ServiceNow manages all the activities related to finance close and automates the financial processes.

    Apart from offerings mentioned above, ServiceNow also offers services for IT business management, security operations, virtual chatbots, etc.

    ServiceNow is built using Java and Tomcat web server running on Linux. Although to develop new modules and applications in ServiceNow the JavaScript knowledge is sufficient.

    Upgrade your skills with our ServiceNow training!

    ServiceNow Instance

    A ServiceNow instance is a set of databases, applications, virtual machines, libraries grouped together to provide the required services to a specific customer. ServiceNow customer instance is built on multi-instance architecture.

    The figure given below shows multi-instance architecture −

    ServiceNow Instance

    The important point to note here is that, each customer has a separate customised application(s) along with separate database(s) running on shared hardware resources. The customer data is encrypted and therefore, is completely secure. The deployment of ServiceNow is very flexible and it can also be implemented in a private cloud.

    ServiceNow also offers developer instance, which is a community edition free of cost. ServiceNow developer instance was launched, to promote the use of ServiceNow and to provide the resources, so that the developers/administrators can learn, build, enhance and customise the applications in ServiceNow.

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