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Ways To Increase Instagram Engagement for Interior Designers

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    Instagram Engagement

    Social platforms have become an integral part of our lives in the past decade. Especially Instagram, the social media platform, caters to over 2.9 billion visits per month. It is a fantastic place to market the products and services of small businesses as well as established brands. 

    Interior designers, in particular, can leverage their Instagram profiles to showcase their designs and projects effectively and attract potential clients. For instance, your conceptual designs can be a post, and your projects can be a reel or video posts on your Instagram account. 

    What is Instagram Engagement?

    When Instagram users interact with your posts, stories, reels, and videos, it is called engagement. It is a measure of the activeness of your Instagram community. Instagram engagement is a healthy metric that gives you a realistic view of the value of your Instagram community. 

    For instance, if you have 1000 followers and your engagement rate is less than 1%, less than ten people interact with your Instagram account. This indicates that it’s time to change your marketing strategy.

    How To Measure Your Instagram Engagement Rate?

    Instagram engagement is the sum of all the likes, comments, shares, and saves you receive per post divided by your total number of followers. While there is no industry standard for engagement, good Instagram profiles have an engagement rate between 1% to 5%. 

    There are many factors that influence your engagement rate, such as DMs, link clicks, mentions, hashtag usage, story interactions, and of course, likes, comments, saves, and shares.

    The Instagram algorithm analyses the engagement rate of all profiles and suggests the ones with a healthy engagement rate to new users. It is like the SEO score of your social media presence; a good score will lead to better visibility of your Instagram profile.

    What are the Different Ways to Increase Instagram Engagement?

    Now that you understand what Instagram engagement is and how it is measured, it’s time to look at unique ways to increase the engagement rate of your Instagram profile. 

    Instagram is a visual content platform where users love to interact with brands and people alike. While there is no sure-shot method to boost the engagement of your business profile, you must keep experimenting with different strategies to find the ones best for your brand. Here are a few exciting ways to capture and captivate your audience on Instagram. 

    1. Interactive stories

    Instagram stories are an effective way to engage with your followers. Brands use Instagram stories to interact directly with their followers, from sharing regular updates to asking for feedback about their products/services. 

    Use Instagram stickers such as polls, countdowns, emoji sliders, hashtags, GIFs, and quizzes in your stories. For instance, you can share your latest project as stories with emoji sliders or ask for followers’ opinions on your latest concepts using a poll sticker.

    You can also conduct Ask Me Anything (AMA) activities on your Instagram business account, where your followers can ask you questions about your interior design practices, projects, costs, or anything that comes to mind.

    2. Trendy Memes

    Funny and relatable, memes are the most entertaining way to engage your audience. Your Instagram followers want to be heard; they interact with brands that share relevant content. Use memes to post fun content, such as the pains of designing your home and the challenges of finalizing the right design. 

    Memes are an effective way to attract users and engage them. Remember to keep the funny quotient high and choose topics from your industry but relatable to your followers at the same time. Always use the latest trending photo for your memes. 

    3. Saveable Value-Driven Post

    One of the best ways to create long-term value from your Instagram posts is to generate saveable content. Such content is evergreen, and it will continue to attract existing and new followers long after the publishing date. 

    Instagram users love to repost/reshare such content in their stories and with friends. It could be a relatable quote, amazing graphics, or a repurposed tweet. As long as it has the potential to make a lasting impression on your audience, it is saveable. Instagram users love to share such content in their stories and with friends. 

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