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The XAMPP Control Panel | PHP Gurukul

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    The XAMPP Control Panel is a graphical user interface that allows you to manage the various components of XAMPP.

    When you launch the XAMPP Control Panel, you will see a list of the various components that are included in XAMPP, such as Apache, MySQL, and FileZilla. Each component has a button that you can click to start or stop it. The buttons are color-coded to indicate whether the component is running or stopped.

    Here’s a brief overview of the Control Panel and its features:

    Start/Stop buttons: These buttons allow you to start or stop the various components of XAMPP, such as Apache, MySQL, and FileZilla. When a component is running, its button will be green, and when it is stopped, the button will be red.

    xampp control panel

    Configuration buttons: These buttons allow you to configure the various settings for the XAMPP components. For example, you can change the Apache port, configure PHP settings, or manage MySQL users and databases.

    Click Here : https://phpgurukul.com/xampp-control-panel/

    xampp control panel config

    Logs buttons: These buttons allow you to view the log files for the XAMPP components. You can use these logs to diagnose problems with your web server or database, and to track usage and performance metrics.

    xampp control panel logs

    Admin: In the case of Apache, it opens XAMPP for Windows Admin page in the default browser, and for MySQL, it redirects to PHPMyAdmin in the default browser.

    xampp control panel admin

    config button: This button is used to configure the XAMPP as a whole, as well as its discrete components.

    xampp control config

    Netstat button: This button opens a command prompt window and runs the netstat command, which shows all active network connections on your computer. This can be useful for troubleshooting network-related issues.

    control panel netstat

    Shell button: This button opens a command prompt window with the current working directory set to the XAMPP installation directory. From here, you can run various command-line tools and scripts to manage your web server and database.

    xampp control panel shell

    Explorer Button: This button is used to open the XAMPP folder in Windows Explorer.

    xampp control panel explorer

    Service button: These buttons allow you to install, uninstall, or manage the Windows services associated with the XAMPP components. Installing a service allows the component to run automatically when Windows starts up, so you don’t need to manually start it each time.

    xampp control panel services

    Help button: This button assists the user by providing links to the user forums.

    xampp control panel  help

    Exit button: This button is used to leave the XAMPP Control Panel.

    The XAMPP Control Panel provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your local web server environment. It allows you to quickly start and stop the various components of XAMPP, configure settings, and view log files and network connections.

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    Website : https://phpgurukul.com