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What is SLA in ServiceNow?

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    What is SLA in ServiceNow?

    Service Level Agreement, or SLA, is a contract between a service provider and its internal or external clients. SLA also refers to the agreement establishing the parameters through which task SLAs are built and progressed, such as timings, conditions, procedures, and other related factors. 

    SLA adds contractual duty for supplying your service within a specific timeframe in ServiceNow and in general - it's unquestionably a binding aspect of the customer contract. The ServiceNow SLA setup primarily affects Incident Management and Service Request Fulfillment from the Support Team's perspective.

    What is Task SLA?

    A Task SLA record is created when an SLA Definition is triggered against a specific task, and it contains all of the tracking data for that SLA. For example, if an SLA Definition for P1 incidents exists, a Task SLA record will be connected to the P1 incident record, collecting all of the data associated with it. Multiple Task SLA entries are frequently combined with a single task because many definitions apply.

    Designing SLA Structures

    In-Service Level Management, there are various ways to arrange your SLAs. A few essential factors that are taken into account are:

    • Is it possible to give different service levels for multiple clients using the SLA structure?
    • Is there a lot of duplicating work in the SLA structure?
    • Who will sign the service level agreements (SLAs)?
    • The three approaches for structuring ITIL's SLA are service-based, customer-based, and multi-level or hierarchical SLAs. When choosing an acceptable SLA structure for a company, several criteria must be considered.

    Types of SLA

    Corporate, Customer, and Service levels are the three types of SLAs offered.

    Corporate Level:

    All of the organization's general challenges are addressed and consistent across the board. For example, with an organization-wide security SLA, each employee must create 8-character passwords that must be changed every thirty days, or each employee must have an access card with an imprinted photograph.

    Customer Level:

    It is possible to address unique difficulties to a customer. One or more departments within the company have more stringent security standards. Because of its critical position and management of financial resources, the finance department, for example, requires increased top-level protection.

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    Service Level:

    The standard of service SLA covers all aspects necessary to a particular service regarding the client. This applies to all clients who have signed up for the same service. FOR EXAMPLE, contracting IT support services for everyone who utilizes a specific IP telephone provider.

    Using a multi-level structure lowers duplicating effort for large enterprises while offering customization for consumers and services. As a result, corporate-level SLAs apply to every employee and department in the company, but customer-level SLAs apply exclusively to the department, and so on.

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