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4 Essential Oral Habits Dentists Swear By

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    You may have learned it from your parents, read it online, or were told about it by your dentist, but you surely already know about the importance of proper teeth care. You may just need to polish your knowledge with the following dentist-approved tooth care tips to keep your teeth healthy.

    1. Get an appropriate toothbrush
    Proper brushing largely depends on the quality of your brushing utensils and the proper technique. An old, beat-up toothbrush cannot be an effective tool. You should brush your teeth for about two minutes each time. Avoid being aggressive with it or you risk eventually hurting your tooth enamel. 

    Choose an ordinary fluoridated toothpaste instead of whitening or anti-tartar control toothpaste. These can be too harsh on your enamel too.

    Don’t neglect your gums while brushing. Cleaning them increases blood circulation and helps clean out food residue accumulated in your mouth. If you're not a big brusher or just don’t like flossing, new battery-powered brushes and oral irrigators will make this burden way more bearable.

    2. Get regular x-rays
    The truth is that the little mirror dentists use to examine the insides of your mouth aren’t able to look inside your teeth, gum line, or jaw. That’s why there is an X-ray exam. A dental X-ray provides a more informative and effective view of your dental health. It allows the dentist to quickly diagnose issues like tooth decay, root infections, jaw problems, and teeth overlapping. 

    It is essential for the specialist to figure out whether you'll require a root canal or you’ll be good with just a filling. Examining your teeth with the help of an X-ray is a crucial part of your annual checkup. It’s another reason to avoid neglecting that appointment.

    3. Get a professional cleaning
    You may have an ideal oral hygiene routine, but that doesn’t mean that you can avoid getting your teeth cleaned professionally every six months. Only the dentist can provide thorough and effective teeth cleaning. Think of it like getting a vehicle repaired. You need a specialist to go through the pits and grooves to provide effective cleaning. 

    During a professional cleaning, the specialist can spot untreated tooth decay, hardened tartar, and make sure that your gums are in good condition. Cleaning your teeth on a regular basis and getting dental checkups can be helpful to diagnose a minor cavity or gum issue at its initial stage before it becomes too painful and costly to fix. 

    4. Develop a healthy diet to prevent dental problems
    Try eating an apple as a snack instead of chips. You can get healthy vitamins and nutrients from fresh fruits and veggies. For example, calcium is good for strengthening your bones and restoring your tooth enamel. Proper nutrition is a great aid for good teeth health. 

    You can have a cup of tea or lemonade, just avoid drinking beverages high in sugar or acidic from dawn till dusk. It's useful to chase these drinks with a swig of water to wash away all sugar and acid residue.

    The bottom line
    Stop using your old, shabby toothbrush even if you’re still comfortable with it. Get a new one instead, or an electric one if you wish. Make sure to get annual x-rays to allow proper dental examination and prevent even the slightest issues. Avoid acidic and sugary foods as they can cause significant damage to your dental health. 

    Look after your teeth and mouth at home, and don't be shy to consult with the dentist. With frequent dental checkups, appropriate oral care products, and a systematic approach, you'll save your gums and teeth from any existing dental disease.