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10 Foods to Eat After Bariatric Surgery

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    Gastric bypass surgery is a type of weight loss surgery that involves the change of the shape and function of the digestive system. This surgery helps manage conditions linked to obesity. Gastric bypass seriously disrupts digestion. A common side effect of this procedure is dumping syndrome. This syndrome means that food moves too quickly from your stomach into your small bowel. Following a soft food diet can help prevent it.

    A soft food diet consists of foods that are soft and easy to chew and digest. Medical experts typically recommend it as a short-term solution after surgery or certain medical procedures.

    The goal of a bland diet is to provide proper nourishment without irritating the digestive tract. Most foods eaten on this diet are lower in fiber and higher in pH, with a soft texture and mild flavor. Here 15 options you may consider eating after gastric bypass surgery

    1. Applesauce

    Applesauce is low fiber and is soft and easy to digest. You can enjoy applesauce to satisfy cravings for sweets or use it as an addition to meals or snacks. Unsweetened applesauce will help you manage your blood sugar levels and won’t irritate your digestive system.

    2. White Toast

    White bread contains carbohydrates and grains that nourish the body giving you energy. It’s easy to digest and break down. Don’t fats like butter, margarine, or other toppings to toast since it can hinder digestion. Plain white bread or toast is best, but you can add topping with canned fruits (if your body can handle them).

    3. Cottage Cheese

    Cottage cheese that’s low in fat is a good option for those who need to follow a soft food diet. It’s a great source of calcium and its soft texture is non-irritating to the digestive tract. But if you have dairy intolerance you should avoid it.

    4. Potatoes

    You can eat boiled, baked, or mashed potatoes as they are easy to chew and swallow. You can combine it with any meat or vegetable. Potatoes are rich in vitamin B6 that helps your body break down proteins and fats. They also contain immune-boosting vitamin C. 


    Sweet potatoes are great for people with a weakened digestive system. They are high in potassium, an essential mineral that helps keeps normal fluid levels inside your cells. Potassium also regulates nerve signals and muscle contractions.

    5. Chamomile Tea

    Chamomile tea has many health benefits for people who follow a restricted bland diet. This beverage can boost antioxidant levels and helps control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Chamomile contains compounds that may combat inflammation that triggers many gastrointestinal issues. 

    6. Healing Herbs and Spices

    Luckily, you can add certain herbs and spices to your diet. These herbs and spices possess antioxidant properties that can help regulate the intestinal microbiome. You can enhance your bland diet with the following herbs and spices

    • Cinnamon
    • Ginger
    • Oregano
    • Rosemary
    • Turmeric

    7. Poultry

    Boneless, skinless chicken or turkey is good for those who are on a soft food diet. You can eat meat on its own or add it to pasta, rice, vegetables, or other bland foods.

    8. Low-Fiber Fruits

    Low-fiber fruits like bananas and melons are easy to digest and thus can be incorporated into a soft food diet. Medical experts often recommend against eating the seeds or peels of fruits, that can irritate the digestive tract.

    9. White Rice

    You can eat white rice with many other foods on a bland diet. Since rice has a mild flavor, it matches well with most protein and vegetable dishes. White rice is easy to digest and therefore it’s the perfect addition to your diet.

    10. Eggs

    Eggs are extremely nutritious and good for those who need to be on a bland diet. You can eat boiled eggs but limit yourself to six or seven eggs a week because they contain high amounts of cholesterol.

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