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Acrylic has a high degree of plasticity and resistance to acid

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    There are many kinds of fish tanks on the market, but what kind of fish tanks are acrylic fish tanks, and what are their advantages compared with ordinary fish tanks? If the majority of fish farming enthusiasts buy such fish tanks, they will be cleaned and maintained daily. What problems should be paid attention to in the process?

    The material used in the acrylic fish tank is acrylic, and most of its advantages are reflected in the material of acrylic. First of all, the light transmittance of acrylic is as high as 92%, so there is no need for much lighting, which is very power-saving. Moreover, the fish tank of this material can reflect the colorful colors, which greatly improves the viewing effect of the fish tank. Secondly, acrylic has a high degree of plasticity and resistance to acid and alkali. The majority of aquarists do not have to worry that the fish tank will be greatly damaged due to changes in weather or changes in the pH of the fish tank. The weight of the acrylic fish tank is lighter than the ordinary fish tank, but its impact resistance is 16 times that of the ordinary fish tank. Most aquarists use this kind of aquarium to be light and do not have to worry about damage, so this kind of aquarium has a longer life than other aquariums, and most of this kind of aquarium can be used for up to three years.

    Finally, the acrylic fish tank has an advantage that other fish tanks cannot match. After the ordinary fish tank is used for a period of time, it is more or less abraded to different degrees due to fish and human factors, which causes the tank body to no longer be transparent, which greatly reduces the enjoyment of viewing. The acrylic fish tank has extremely high abrasion resistance, can withstand the corrosion of various chemical liquids and artificial wear, can maintain the transparent luster of the cylinder body for a long time, and has always maintained an excellent viewing effect.

    Since the acrylic fish tank has so many advantages, does it mean that its cleaning and maintenance will be very cumbersome and troublesome? The answer is no. The second reason why the fish tank of this material is favored by the majority of fish farmers is that it is very easy to maintain and clean. In the daily cleaning process, we can use a feather duster or soft cloth to wipe, and then wash it with water. If you encounter dirty things such as oil stains that are difficult to handle, you can use a soft detergent to clean it. In the regular maintenance process, just apply the liquid polishing wax evenly on the whole body of the fish tank.

    The above are the advantages of acrylic fish tanks compared with other fish tanks on the market. The cleaning and maintenance of the fish tank of this material is also very simple and convenient. In the process of buying fish tanks, most aquarists can consider fish tanks of this type in light of their own circumstances.

    For more information about acrylic, click here: Acrylic Aquarium.


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