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How to clean the large aquarium in the aquarium?

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    The cleaning and filtering system of the large public aquarium in the aquarium:

    In order to clean the filter system, we should ensure that the filter system has several layers. The first layer is filter cotton, the second layer is biochemical cotton, the third layer is a glass ring (ceramic ring, biostone, etc.), and the fourth layer is activated carbon (ammonia stone, medical stone, etc.).

    Since the sealing and installation of the filter cartridge are relatively complicated, and in order to maintain the nitrifying bacteria system, it is not suitable for frequent cleaning. Therefore, the choice of filter material should be more expensive.

    The first layer is attributed to physical filtration, mainly to obstruct the solid residues in the water, so it is particularly easy to get dirty, and the cleaning is mainly based on this layer.

    Other layers are generally rarely cleaned, but regular cleaning is very easy to lose nitrifying bacteria. Cleaning is to use a machine to change the water in the fish tank, take out the filter cotton, and repeatedly flush it in the water drawn from the fish tank, or use a pump tube to flush the filter cotton back (of course, the momentum is very limited).

    When cleaning, be careful not to scrub or wash too clean, do not wash directly with tap water, otherwise the nitrifying bacteria attached to the filter cotton will be completely removed by you, and then lose the effect of biological filtration.

    Disinfection of Aquarium Aquarium:

    Disinfection can use potassium permanganate solution, potassium permanganate, also known as phosphorus powder, as a strong oxidant, when organic matter releases new ecological oxygen, it kills bacteria. Its sterilization activity is very strong, and the commonly used concentration is 1:2000-1:5000 (that is, 1 gram of potassium permanganate plus 2L~5L of water) for washing. It should be noted that time should be considered when equipping solutions. Potassium permanganate slowly releases oxygen and kills bacteria after soaking for 5 minutes. Cold water should be used to prepare the solution. Hot water will fail. After disinfection, it can be used after a little cleaning.

    Aquarium cleaning notes:

    Do not use chemical cleaners or other chemical reagents when cleaning. The alkaline substances, surfactants and phosphates in detergents are harmful to fish and aquatic plants. Hot water and sponge plastic with a little vinegar is a better way to clean.

    There are often oil and dust floating on the surface of the fish tank, which can be absorbed by thin absorbent paper. The method is to use bamboo chopsticks to gently drag it on the water surface with tissue paper, that is, to absorb dust. The oil stains floating on the water are caused by fat and bait. It should be cleaned up frequently to avoid deterioration of water quality.

    Aquarium glass often adheres to sphagnum moss and other dirt. Since it will affect the growth of fish, it is necessary to try to remove it. When cleaning, the special long-handled clamping blade can be used to scrape off the dirty adhesive, scrape off the dirt at the bottom of the box, and can be absorbed by the plastic straw. In order to prevent sand from being sucked out of the bottom of the cylinder, a suitable net can be installed at the mouth of the pipette.

    For details, please contact: Acrylic Aquarium.


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