Sunshine Learning Center of Lexington LLC : Preschool in New York City

Sunshine Learning Center of Lexington LLC preschool programs instills confidence and the love of learning. Teachers thoughtfully and purposefully interact with children and plan experiences that support all the content areas taught, such as literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts. At our preschool in New York City NY, all classrooms are set up to reflect different centers for learning and exploration. Our focus areas primarily include problem solving, responsive listening and using language to learn as well as social and collaborative learning skills. Sunshine Learning Center of Lexington LLC 1595 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10029 (212) 444-2026 My Official Website: Google Plus Listing: Our Other Links: Preschool New York City: East Side Early Learning Center: Service We Offer: Learning Center Infants Toddlers Early Preschool Preschool & Pre Kindergarten Enrichment Programs Follow Us On: Twitter: Pinterest: Instagram:
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