Recent Entries

  • NFP Vs Wireframe

    To break it down, wireframes are basic layouts and structural guidelines and prototypes are advanced wireframes with more visual and detail interactions.  While prototypes sound promising, do not underestimate the power of a wireframe. Depending on the complexity of the UI you are creating, you...
  • Role Of UI In UX

    There is a thin line between UI and UX – and one cannot be separated from the other. User acceptance and adoption are critical to having a successful product – that is why designing the user interface with care is of utmost importance. It is not just about how it looks, it’s about ...
  • IoT In The Startup Context

    Implementation of IoT has several challenges including security, interoperability, processing capabilities, scalability and availability. If you require expert assistance to get your IoT startup idea off the ground, simply give digital transformation service provider a call and the experts will help...