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Treatment and prevention of asthma in cats

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    Asthma is a serious chronic disease that is diagnosed quite often in cats. Unlike bronchitis, which often has a bacterial etiology, the narrowing and inflammation of the airways in asthma is usually allergic in nature.

    Causes of the disease
    Unfortunately, the cause of asthma in animals is still not well understood. Scientists argue that the pathology develops against the background of allergies in conjunction with a hereditary predisposition.

    Asthma can develop in absolutely any cat, regardless of gender and age, most often it is diagnosed in representatives of such breeds as Siamese and Himalayan.

    Asthma triggers include the following:

    the presence of dust, mold, dust mites;
    air polluted with cigarette smoke, harmful gases;
    inhalation of toxic fumes (household chemicals, cleaning sprays, etc.);
    susceptibility to respiratory viral infections;
    violation of the psycho-emotional state;
    excessive physical activity;
    plant pollen;

    weather conditions (humidity, cold).
    With asthma, the cat's airways become clogged with mucus, which leads to swelling of the walls and narrowing of the air passage and, as a result, to spasms. This is a very dangerous condition that requires immediate attention, otherwise the animal may die from an asthma attack.

    Symptoms of the disease
    One of the characteristic signs that should seriously alert the owner of a cat is labored frequent breathing, accompanied by a whistle. This condition is a harbinger of an attack that can develop at any time.

    The cat suddenly stops playing, opens its mouth, trying to capture as much air as possible. In this case, the animal takes an uncharacteristic pose, stretching its neck and lowering its head. Attempts to draw in air lead to the mobility of the abdomen and chest due to the mobility of the diaphragm.

    Bronchospasm prevents the cat from inhaling air, which leads to oxygen starvation. The animal loses consciousness, does not react to a person, its mucous membranes turn blue. If seizures occur frequently and the pet does not receive the necessary assistance, death cannot be avoided.

    Asthma manifests itself in several forms, depending on the severity:

    Easy. It flows imperceptibly and does not cause discomfort to the animal.
    Average. It is characterized by more severe symptoms.
    Heavy. Symptoms appear every day. The animal suffers greatly and needs medical attention.
    Life threatening. At this stage, the cat usually dies.
    It is very important to start asthma treatment at the initial stage and prevent the progression of the disease.

    Diagnostics in the veterinary clinic
    Diagnosis of asthma is based on its differentiation from other pathologies of the respiratory tract, which have a similar clinical picture - pneumonia, bronchitis, pulmonary insufficiency.

    In addition, heart disease, benign and malignant tumors in the chest area, nematodosis in the lungs, ingress of foreign objects into the respiratory tract, including trichobezoars, should be excluded.

    The veterinarian is required to conduct the following tests:

    General blood analysis. An increased content of eosinophils will indicate an allergic process.
    Fecal analysis (if nematodes are suspected).
    X-ray. It does not apply to specific diagnostic methods, however, it allows to detect the displacement of the diaphragm towards the abdominal cavity, which is characteristic of asthma.
    The most informative criterion is a cytological analysis of bronchial mucus. In asthma, it is always thick, forming plugs in the airways, cloudy, with a greenish tint.

    Method of treatment and prognosis
    Treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is aimed at creating certain conditions for a long-term remission. Unfortunately, there is no cure for asthma, but it is possible to establish control over the condition of the animal and prevent the appearance of dangerous symptoms.

    Therapy is to eliminate the cause that caused the asthma attack. So, if the “aggressor” is tobacco smoke, then it is forbidden to smoke in the apartment where the cat is kept. If the allergic reaction is caused by dust, pollen, mold, provoking factors must be excluded.

    Long-term treatment with glucocorticosteroids, which relieve inflammation in the lungs, is shown. Veterinarians consider Prednisolone to be the most effective remedy.

    To stop the attacks, drugs that dilate the bronchi are used. In inflammatory processes of a bacterial nature, a course of antibiotic therapy is indicated. Check here for more details about best cats products at https://lovecatstuff.com

    Allergic symptoms are relieved by antihistamines.

    For permanent use, you will need to purchase a special inhaler for animals. Your veterinarian will advise you on what products to use. As a rule, bronchodilators are used (Klenbuterol, Fenoterol, Albuterol, etc.).

    For inhalation, experts recommend AeroKat spacers. This is a camera with a mask that is applied to the cat's face. The chamber contains the drug in the form of an aerosol. Through inhalation, the animal receives the necessary dose of medicine, with the help of which it is able to breathe.

    What to do at home
    The owner is required to follow the instructions of the veterinarian. Do not self-medicate, reduce or increase the dosage of drugs!

    All human efforts should be aimed at preventing a new attack.

    A sick animal should be kept in good conditions, receive quality nutrition. The diet should be nutritious and balanced.

    In the room where the four-legged pet is located, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness. The presence of dirt and dust in it that can cause bronchospasm is unacceptable. Wet cleaning should be carried out daily, including the most inaccessible places. The bedding, rugs on which the pet rests should be regularly shaken out and washed, but without the use of detergents.

    Do not allow the animal to have access to household chemicals. Interaction with any chemical agent can adversely affect his health. All drugs should be placed in containers with tight-fitting lids. By the way, today on sale you can find household chemicals specifically for allergy sufferers. Its use will help to avoid bronchospasm in a cat.

    Perfumes can also cause allergies and an asthma attack, so you can’t use them in an apartment where a sick pet is located. There is no mention of any smoking indoors.

    The air in the house needs to be humidified. It is advisable to purchase a special climate device, the impact of which will be very useful for your pet. Do not forget about regular ventilation of the room.

    Often, banal stress can provoke an asthma attack, so you should not leave your pet alone for a long time. He must feel the love and care of people, and this will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on his psycho-emotional state. In addition, an attack can occur at any time, and there should be a person nearby who can provide first aid to the pet.

    Prevention measures
    It is impossible to prevent asthma, because the mechanism of its development is not thoroughly understood. Prevention measures include the exclusion of contact with possible allergens - dust, pollen, chemicals, tobacco smoke. It is very smart to use an air purifier with a HEPA filter, which allows you to get rid of allergens in the room.

    Even ordinary toilet filler can cause asthma symptoms. In such cases, you can either remove it completely by placing a grate on the tray, or use a filler with a minimum dust content.

    A healthy lifestyle, a nutritious diet, and regular veterinary check-ups can help reduce your pet's chances of developing asthma.