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Top 3 security challenges in Cloud computing:

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    Top 3 security challenges in Cloud computing:
    Cloud computing offers numerous benefits such as increased collaboration, forensic image processing software
    excellent accessibility, mobility, and storage capacity, to name a few. However, it comes with its own set of security concerns.
    Despite its many advantages and large data storage capacity, cloud computing has its own set of constraints that might reduce its efficiency.
    1.     Denial of Service or DoS attacks:
    Such attacks occur when the system receives high traffic to buffer the server. DoS attacks are most commonly directed at web servers of large businesses, such as the media, banking, and government agencies. DoS attackers charge a significant amount of time and money to retrieve the lost data.
    2.     Lack of expert professionals:
    In cloud computing, integrating, migrating, and operating cloud services is complex for the IT staff. So, they must require the extra capability and skills to manage, integrate, and maintain the data in the cloud.

    3.     Data Loss:
    It's also known as data leaking, and it's one of the most common cloud security challenges. It is the process, where the data is corrupted, deleted, and unreadable by software, user, or an application.
    Here are the main causes of data loss:
    ·        When our sensitive data is in the hands of others 
    ·        When one or more data components are unavailable to the data owner 
    ·        When the hard disc fails to function properly
    ·        When the software is not updated  
    The Bottom line
    I hope that the preceding article provided you with a basic understanding of cloud computing security and its challenges. However, there are a few other ways to secure the cloud, such as confirming that the CSP encrypts data and allows data transfer, workspace supervision, using multi-factor authentication, adhering to regulations, and using security software such as firewalls and key management, securing APIs, and backing up data. As cloud computing is the technological world's future.