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The 5 Key Principles of Human-Centric UI/UX Design

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    What does human-centric mean in the context of UI/UX design? Simply put, it means designing with the user in mind – but what does that mean, and how can you approach your designs to make sure they’re as easy to use as possible? In this article, we’ll break down the five key principles of human-centric UI/UX design so you can make your website, app, or anything else you’re designing more usable and user-friendly.


    1) User Experience, not Interface


    User experience, or UX, is all about how customers interact with your business. In today’s tech-focused world, companies tend to get hung up on designing interfaces that look and feel cool. But if users can’t navigate through those interfaces (or they don’t like doing so), you’re going to have a hard time getting anyone to love your product.


    2) Always Put People First


    Content is key may be a tired cliché in digital marketing, but it holds truth. Any digital property that brands create—whether a website, app, or landing page—must always put people first. Before designing any interface, marketers should ask themselves one question: How can we design for better user experience? Only when marketers know how their users want to engage with and use their brand will they be able to craft an attractive and useful interface.


    3) Know Your Users Better Than They Know Themselves


    You can’t make design decisions based solely on what you think a user would do in a given situation. Instead, ask them directly: Take your target audience through specific tasks and watch how they perform each one. You’ll learn which features are overcomplicated or hard to find—and where there might be room for improvement. Don’t assume you know what users want; pay attention and show them that you care about their needs and desires.


    4) Apply Empathy in All Decisions


    Empathy—an understanding and awareness of someone else’s emotional state—is a powerful skill that can improve your communication, strengthen your relationship with others, and even benefit your business. It can also help you create better user experiences (UX). Empathy is at the heart of human-centered design; it’s what makes us strive to create products and services that work for real people. So how do you practice empathy? This post explores five ways to practice empathy in product development decisions.


    5) Test, Test, and Then Test Again


    Before you start designing a new user interface or user experience, it’s key to have an idea of what goals you are trying to achieve. You can do this by conducting usability tests with your customers and prospective customers. Observe how they use your product, what they like, and where you can make improvements. In these tests, don’t be afraid to ask some tough questions and challenge conventional thinking. Never stop testing! For example, test after a redesign to see if that improved users’ experience.




    Considering these five principles will get you started on your path to designing a human-centric UI/UX design. For high quality and affordable UI/UX design in Bangalore, look no further than Pepper Square! Our years of experience have given us an outstanding understanding of human behavior, and we’re always ready to help our clients improve their user experience with powerful designs that resonate with consumers. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your organization find its audience through our superior UI/UX design services!