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8 Most Popular Python Frameworks to Help You Build Better Web A

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    Python has long been one of the most popular programming languages because it’s easy to read and write, it’s versatile, and it runs on many different platforms. From web apps to desktop programs to IoT devices, there’s probably a Python framework that will help you create your next project in no time at all. Here are eight of the most popular frameworks available today.

    1. Django
      Django is one of the most popular frameworks for building web applications. It comes with a lot of features out-of-the-box, but it also has an extensive plugin system which makes it possible to extend its functionality with ease.

    2. Flask

    Flask is a micro-framework for building web applications with Python. It is designed to be fast, easy-to-use, and pluggable. Flask's simple design lets you create a basic web app in only a few minutes with just one file (the hello world of web development). This tutorial will guide you through the steps of installing Flask, creating your first app and deploying it online.

    3. Pyramid
    Pyramid is an open source web application development framework that has been around since 2005. This framework is written in the Python programming language and it provides a clean, pragmatic, and intelligent way for developers to build things quickly.
    A big part of what makes Pyramid so popular is its use of pluggable apps that can be mixed and matched depending on the project’s requirements.

    4. Bottle
    Bottle is a fast and simple micro web-framework for small web-applications. It offers a robust set of features like templating, routing, sessions, database access, form validation as well as tools for running a functional test suite (with coverage reporting) and generating documentation. Bottle is built with the modern principles of simplicity and practicality in mind. Bottle shares some features with other frameworks such as CherryPy or Flask but it has its own particular design philosophy.

    5. Sanic
    Sanic is a Flask-like web framework for Python. It was created because the author needed a web server that could handle thousands of connections without requiring extensions like uWSGI or Gunicorn. It's still in beta, but its creator has tested it with over 100,000 connections and it can handle more than 1 million connections. In addition, Sanic is built on top of asyncio and supports full use of its features such as event loop integration and coroutines.

    6. Tornado
    Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed in 2003 by Ian Bicking. According to the author of Tornado, it was inspired by Google's web crawler.
    Tornado is built on top of Twisted and uses an asynchronous, non-blocking event-driven model with no reliance on threads or kernel mutexes. This enables Tornado programs to scale up to tens of thousands of open connections (as opposed to many hundreds) without any special effort.

    7. Falcon
    Falcon is a framework for building high-performance web applications. It's built with all the latest technologies, such as asyncio and tornado, and is designed to be fast, lightweight, and flexible. Falcon is designed with an emphasis on developer productivity, making it easy and intuitive to use even for newcomers.

    8. Pyston
    Pyston is a Python framework that has been created by the team at Dropbox. Pyston includes native support for Python’s high-level, object-oriented type system and all of Python’s standard library, as well as ctypes for interoperability with C libraries.