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Understanding Mental and Physical Health Issues After Severe He

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    Head injuries are often downplayed by people who take part in any sport as it is all part of the game' but can be quite dangerous. Their post-injury issues vary based on the location and intensity of the impact, and so do the treatments that follow. Some injuries are more temporary, and the brain can regain a healthy state over time and with the right treatments, whereas others are chronic and can't be undone. But the majority of the time, even if the patient's physical health completely recovers, their mental state is still in shock and has longer-lasting issues post-accident.


    Emotional and Physical Trauma post-TBI

    Physical trauma depends on the kind of accident that took place. A few are listed below:

    • Brain tissue damage
    • Internal bleeding
    • Hematoma or blood clots
    • Fractured Skull
    • Intracranial injuries
    • Debris trapped in the skull or brain.
    • Hydrocephalus or the buildup of fluids in the brain
    • Vertigo
    • Meningitis or the infection of the meninges


    Mental issues that follow the accident and recovery period of TBI vary from person to person. Here are a few:

    • Inability to control emotions: Mood swings are often a sign of damage to the brain's behavior and emotion controlling area.
    • Anxiety: This often occurs when the person is overloaded with deadlines or work to be done too soon after the accident and treatment. When the person is unable to meet the demands, they feel overwhelmed and unable to cope.
    • Depression: The person tends to feel sad and frustrated, lose their appetite, feel unwanted and draw themselves away from the people around them
    • Short Temper: This is often due to pain or irritation because of the changes in their life, and they want it to go back to how things used to be


    Therapy and Rehabilitation to Regain Mental Health

    Post-surgery treatment of the patient who suffered from TBI includes medication and physical and mental therapy but varies from case to case. Here are some of the therapies that neurology brain rehabilitation in Raleigh provides:

    • OT or Occupational Therapy helps the patient learn new ways or relearn the processes involved in completing daily tasks like getting dressed, bathing, cooking, etc.
    • Physical Therapy helps build and regain physical strength, flexibility, and balance, which restores energy levels.
    • Speech Therapy helps patients who lost certain communication abilities to improve the ability to speak or use other forms of communication.
    • Psychological Counseling helps the patient improve their general emotional health and cope under stress. It can also be used to prescribe certain medications required to address chemical imbalances.
    • Cognitive Therapy helps the patient restore their memory, learning, attention, planning, perception, and judgment while making decisions.
    • Vocational Counseling understands the patient's skills and ambitions. It helps them go back out to the corporate world and be confident in their existing job or finding new work opportunities and deal with challenges at work.


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