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  • Designer Patios in Miami Look Amazing With a Koi Pond Waterfall

    The best thing you can include within your landscape is a water body/feature. Koi ponds that include waterfalls can create a multi-sensory experience for your backyard or outdoor space. To spruce up your ponds, the waterfalls can create unique sounds, movements, and reflections. They are just the pe...
  • Five Dishes in America that Remind German Expats of Home

    There is still debate over who invented the hamburger first, the Americans or Germans. However, some German dishes have become an inseparable part of American cuisine. And we don't mean just beer. Let's explore a few dishes from Germany that Americans love with all their tastebuds!   Hot do...
  • Choose The Best Plantation Shutters

    Are you environment-conscious? Then plantation shutters are the best way to keep your home or office safe against harmful sun rays. They increase the aesthetic look of your home with their natural finish. There are PVC shutter range and wood product shutters available in the market. These are highly...
  • Beauty Indulgence with Formulyst

    If we start talking about ladies' skin regime it would take a thousand and one night to finish talking on it! Jokes apart, it is really difficult for women to take care of their skin, especially in today’s super-fast life. Starting from food to transport and others everything is running fast a...
  • Trademark Fees in India – Why I Need a Trademark Lawyer?

    The trademark fee in India is INR 9000 or USD 145. In case there have been any updates in the costs, a trademark lawyer is the best person to tell you about the same. There are very many intricate details when you go about filing a trademark application. For example, you are eligible for a...